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why is it more sustainable?

April is a side table made of solid wood.

Wood comes from sustainably managed forests and is mainly sourced from a local sawmill in Finland. The finishing surface treatment is done with certified natural oil mixtures, wax, soap and – when necessary - water-based lacquers.

Nikari is adopting more sustainable practices throughout its supply chain. Operations are entirely powered by renewable energy: head office, studio and workshop use only hydroelectric energy from the plant located next door. Packaging is reduced to a minimum and is fully recyclable. Transportation is planned with care to reduce its environmental impact: peak hours are avoided and routes are planned to save time and energy. Several customers are served within one transport journey and components from the company’s subcontractors are loaded on the return trip.

Nikari cooperates with WWF Finland and part of the company revenues are donated to protect forests and rainforests globally.

sustainable values

riivin is fully independent and unsponsored

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